16 Feb 2016 to 20 Feb 2016
Alma Tavern Theatre, Bristol
05 Aug 2016 to 13 Aug 2016
theSpace on the Mile, Edinburgh Fringe
20 Dec 2016 to 31 Dec 2016
The Alma Tavern Theatre, Bristol
It's the evening of the Cillit Bang Cleaners Ball but Cyndi Shine won't be going. Cyndi helped her father build his cleaning company into the best in Bristol. But those happy glittering days are gone.
With her father dead and her stepmother and evil twin sisters driving the company into the ground. Now all Cyndi ever does is clean.
Can her only friend Henry (half hoover/half man) Buttons help? Not exactly but he knows a woman that can. And with Lily Surfaces, a 1970s Corrie St fairy godmother, on the case maybe Cyndi can go to the ball!
A traditional pantomime is what was asked for. But that was before Emma, Charles and Mark got to work on the script and the company appointed new stage-manager Justine Time! Marvel in awe as the set is constructed before your very eyes. You may even be asked to lend a hand. The ballroom scene needs some extra guests and no one knows if the cast and crew can create the Big Polished Finish in time.
With glitter, sparkle and lashings of innuendo this is a fun packed pantomime for young, old and those inbetween! Maybe not so untraditional after all!
Company members were filmed performing extracts and interviewed about our work during the production at the Alma Tavern Theatre.
Watch it here (between 5:30 and 8:30)
Show photos
Stepping Out Theatre
13 Creedwell Orchard
Registered Charity (CIO) 1179310 (since July 2018), Formerly Charity 1117912 (since February 2007)
e. info@steppingouttheatre.co.uk
m. 07896 684097