You are here : Home -> Shows -> The Tragicomical 'istory of 'Arry and the Long March of Civilization

The Tragicomical 'istory of 'Arry and the Long March of Civilization

Written by Steve James
Directed by Chris Loveless

27 Jul 2022 to 28 Jul 2022
Alma Tavern Theatre, Bristol

05 Aug 2022 to 13 Aug 2022
theSpace @ Surgeons' Hall

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Oi! Who you lookin' at?

'Arry Everyman has had all the crap careers in history: cannibal pot stirrer, medieval plague sniffer, lizard war cannon fodder, undandy highwayman, popper of anchovies into small jars. Now he's facing his final job interview - hired for his remaining transferable skill - his seven bodily nutrients. He's got a shoddy CV, a rhythm stick, a big heart and an even bigger dog in his head. He's always had his man by his side - until now.

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Steve James


Writer / performer . . . Steve James
Director . . . Chris Loveless
Sound Design . . . Richard Jeffrey-Gray, Hoxa Sound
Set and Costume . . . Ann Stiddard


Stepping Out Theatre
13 Creedwell Orchard

Registered Charity (CIO) 1179310 (since July 2018), Formerly Charity 1117912 (since February 2007)

m. 07896 684097

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